Your Store: 625 Boundary Rd, Coopers Plains QLD 4108 | Ph: (07) 3715 2200
Order Code: O002
$ 44.55
$ 49.00
Made in Australia

O002 - Superdraulic Hi Temp 46 Hydraulic Oil

5 Litre
Supertemp is a range of premium grade, high viscosity index, anti wear hydraulic oils. They have been formulated specifically for use in hydraulic power or control systems (mobile or stationary) that are subject to extremes of temperature, or are particularly sensitive to changes in temperature.

Supertemp may be used in temperature extremes such as:
- Fork lifts in brick kilns or cold stores.
- Hydraulic drives operating in the extremes of the Australian desert.
- Machine tools where viscosity must remain constant.

Supertemp is compatible with most pumps, valves, and seal materials. However, like all hydraulic oils containing zinc anti wear additives, it is not suitable for use with pumps having silver plated parts (e.g. some Lucas units).

Superdraulic Hi Temp 46 offers:
- Low variation in viscosity with temperature which leads to: Suitability for very high and low ambient, Rationalisation of grades to cover conditions, Reduced wear at start up (filters not by passing) yet still protects at operating temperature
- Improved equipment life and decreased downtime due to superior wear and corrosion protection
- Excellent air release and anti-foam properties to prevent cavitation and oxidation.
- Excellent filter ability even when contaminated, thereby preventing filter blockages. This saves filter replacement costs and down time.
- Very high shear stability ensures constant oil viscosity for uniform equipment operation.
- Long fluid life due to enhanced chemical and thermal stability
  • Premium Grade ISO 46
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