Your Store: 625 Boundary Rd, Coopers Plains QLD 4108 | Ph: (07) 3715 2200

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Service & Support

At Hare & Forbes Machineryhouse we have a proud and outstanding customer service history to date, and many customers have written great reviews for the help our service team has provided over the many years.

Customer service priority was always led by one of our wise leaders (owner operator) and constantly spoken about from the beginning, and this trait has been traditionally passed down to all service technicians over the years. One of the key elements that our customer service team follow it to always deal with any unfortunate issue swiftly & promptly to achieve customer satisfaction.

How do we continue to do this?
All machines supplied by Hare & Forbes Machineryhouse are covered by our standard Nationwide reliable service and backup warranty policy that incorporates on road service technicians that covers warranty and preventative maintenance as required.

Spare Parts Support
We have a dedicated team of employees whose sole job is to assist you with
your spare parts. We stock and have access to over 14,500 spare parts for our Hafco, Metalmaster and Woodmaster machinery. it is our company policy to keep common wearing parts in stock, ready for quick despatch when required. Being one of Australia’s largest importers of machinery we have containers leaving our suppliers on a regular basis enabling large spare parts to be shipped. Smaller items if required can be air freighted or speed posted from our suppliers at additional freight cost.