Your Store: 625 Boundary Rd, Coopers Plains QLD 4108 | Ph: (07) 3715 2200

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Our History

1930 - Hare & Forbes was established by John Edward Hare & Henry Forbes at Redfern, NSW

1949 - Hare & Forbes moved to a new and larger showroom at Parramatta, NSW

1989 - Hare & Forbes Brisbane branch opened at Woolloongabba

1994 - Brisbane branch moved into a larger showroom at Macgregor

2000 - Sydney head office moved from their Parramatta location to a new super showroom at "The Junction Complex" Northmead, with over 4000m2 of display under one roof, along with the new business name of Hare & Forbes Machineryhouse

2001 - Sydney warehouse was purchased at Briens Road, Northmead to meet the expansion of handling, testing, quality control & workshop facilities

2002 - Hare & Forbes Machineryhouse acquired Herless Machinery, the largest machine tool company in Melbourne, this acquisition also included a branch in Perth

2004 - Brisbane branch again moved into a new and larger 4200m2 showroom & warehouse, centrally located at Coopers Plains

2005 - Perth branch expanded into a larger 1000m2 showroom located at Belmont

2006 - Melbourne branch moves into a larger showroom & warehouse to meet the expansion of handling, testing, quality control & workshop facilities in the industrial area of Dandenong

2008 - Hare & Forbes Machineryhouse launched the website which includes:
Over 3,000 products
Online shopping cart
User-friendly search engine
Comparison tables with similar products
Detailed product information & images

2008 – The company expanded it horizons & decided to open a Machineryhouse showroom & warehouse in New Zealand, Auckland the north island - East Tamaki. The building was leased to establish its presence in New Zealand market.

2009 - Hare & Forbes Machineryhouse launched the new website to showcase our CNC machine tools range

2011 - launched new & improved website with all the products listed under one website. Many new features, and a revamped user friendly interface was introduced to help customers benefit as much as possible and make their shopping experience effortless & memorable.

New Website Features:
- Improved user friendly home page
- Over 4,000 detailed products
- Monthly specials, Package deals, Stock clearance
- New product release
- Improved search engine & navigation with drop-down category menu
- Category images helps find your product quicker than before
- Compare products page within category
- Recommended accessories for each product
- Add to wish list and review at a later date
- Secure online ordering with shopping cart
- Stock level indications
- Freight calculator
- Print PDF product brochures
- Price match enquiry
- Video demonstrations linked via YouTube platform
- Product articles page

2012 - Sydney warehouse moves closer to its showroom & into a large 4500 square metre warehouse with new storage facilities to meet the expansion of Handling, Testing, Quality control, Quicker despatches & Pick ups.

2014 - Brisbane branch again moved into a new and larger 3700m2 showroom across the road at 625 Boundary Road Coopers Plains, whilst maintaining there current building as a 4200m2 warehouse.

2016 – New Zealand branch moves into our own larger showroom & warehouse to meet the expansion of handling, testing, quality control & workshop facilities in the same area of East Tamaki.

2018 - Melbourne branch moves into a larger showroom & separate warehouse directly across the road to meet the expansion of handling, testing, quality control & workshop facilities in the industrial area of Dandenong South.

2018 - We introduced ZIP & PayPal payment methods to our website giving our customers more options to pay online for their orders

2018 - Gift Cards was introduced to all our stores & customers now were able to order online and have them delivered, A vast improvement from our previous Gift Certificates that was only offered in store.

2019 – New Zealand was rapidly growing so the decision was made to open a new 2,500sqm Machineryhouse showroom & warehouse branch in the south island of Christchurch - Waltham

2021 - an additional warehouse distribution centre was acquired in Melbourne to increase stock holding capacity and help assist Perth & NZ branches, and we expect the site to be fully operational by mid year.

Watch Hare and Forbes Machineryhouse - The Company YouTube Video